One of the highlights of our Young Women's Camp this year were our Camp Fire Sing-A-Long's. For the first time in FOREVER we were able to light an actual fire. In years past we have not been able to due to fire restrictions. We were so excited that it didn't even bother us that it was so HOT!!!
I love our Camp Fire Sing-A-Long's because not only do we sing some of those silly camp songs, but we also allow the Young Women to highlight some of their talents. Each year at our Pre-Camp we have a YCL that has a sign-up sheet ready to go for the younger girls to sign up to share musical talents, skits, poems, artwork, how to demonstrations, etc... We usually allow up to 5 per evening. This is almost like a mini talent show outside. This definitely is one of my favorite parts of camp! You should try it...I promise you will love it too!
Here's a general idea as to how we run the evening at the Camp Fire:
1. General Gathering Songs
2. Warm Up Songs
3. Rounds
4. Silly Action Songs
5. Skits/Stories/Talents/Etc... provided by those that signed up
6. Slower Songs
7. Reverent Songs
8. Evening Prayer
At our first camp fire this summer we had just our YCL'S up at camp. We added a few extra moments of fun...THE SPARKLERS! Some of our Leaders and Young Women were a little shy around them while others couldn't wait to get their hands on them so they could spell their names and wave them in the air. We also used this time to plan our SNIPE HUNTING experience for the younger campers. Instead of Snipe Hunting this year the girls decided to go PETON HUNTING (this is a made up name for a miniature character that looks like a mouse/squirrel/etc... See photo - we have a really good artist in the bunch that drew what a PETON looks like. The girls had the choice between the bird and the mouse like character. We went with the mouse!).
This is a short list of some of the songs we sing at our Young Women's Camp each year. I also have 2 more lists of fun camping songs. Don't be shy to ask for a copy of them for your upcoming Young Women's Camp.
If you would like a copy of the camp songs that we have used at our Young Women's Camp....please comment here or email me at Don't forget to leave me your email address!
Happy Camping!
could you send me all the songs you have? Please! THXS!! my email is
Can you please send songs?
I would like your campfire songs emailed to me to
Thanks so much!
These songs are great! Can you please send me all the camp songs that you have? That would be awesome. My email is
Can you send me the camp songs? Thank you!
Looks like a lot of fun! Please send the camp song
sheets. Thanks.
Could you send me a copy of the songs too?
Thank you so much!
Could you please send me a copy of your girls camp songs?
Thank you!!!
COuld you send me your songs
I would love to get the songs for my troop! Thx!
i would love the songs for my troop
Since I am assigned the camp songs and haven't gone to camp for about 20 years, I am so much in need of your songs for our camp.
Please send them to
Will you email me your list? Thanks! Teressapickett at gmail dot com
I would love a copy of these
Could I please have a copy of the songs?
Thank you so much!
I would love to have a copy of the songs!! My Mom (who was also my leader as a girl) was the songstress of our camps and as a result, I really enjoy singing around the campfire and am always on the lookout for new resources and songs to teach my girls...I am starting my 44th year as a leader...I grew up min Scouting, all 4 of my daughters grew up in Scouting and I now have 12 Granddaughters who are registered Girl Scouts, 5 are in my troops!! Thank You for your generosity!! My e-mail address is Your Sister in Scouting, Kathe
I would love to see these songs
I would love a copy of the girls camp songs
I would love a copy of all of your camp fire songs. I've never been to YW Camp or camping for that matter, so I'm very appreciative of any and all help I can get as our ward's YW Camp Director. Thank you
I don't know if you still check this blog or not, but if you do, I would love a copy of your songs!
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