Thursday, April 22, 2010

Young Women's Camp 2010 - High Fashion Shoe Ward Camp Check-Off List

These BOOTS were made for walkin' !

This is the little handout that I have made to give the Young Women President's at our upcoming Leadership Meeting.  I wanted to have a creative way to remind them of the assignments that the Ward's have been given for camp this year.  I hope having something fun will inspire them to get ready for camp.

If you are interested in the High Fashion Boot files...please comment here or email me at  Be sure to leave me your email address so I can return the file to you quickly.


Kenney Crew said...

The boots turned out super cute. How fun would that be for a birthday party invite or a western party of some sorts. Cowboy hats off to you!

Fabíola Rodrigues said...

por favor me envia este aqruivo ... grata