Saturday, October 9, 2010

Young Women's Camp 2011 - Camp Theme & Logo


The Leesburg Florida Stake 2011 Young Women's Camp Theme & Logo

Daughter's of a Noble Birthright

I know what you are're planning camp already!!!???  The answer is YES!  I'm so excited to share with all of you the beginning stages of what is being planned for this year's camp.  This is just the beginning because we have months to go and many additional meetings planned with camp director's and YCL's.  It was just yesterday that I mentioned in a blog post that this would be the end of camp stuff for 2010.  Well, surprise!  It's already time to start posting fun adventures for 2011. 

I've had many of you from around the world ask me what our plans are for camp and how to put a Young Women's Camp together.  I have put together an entire outline for 2011 that I will begin posting.  Do not be afraid to ask me for files or more information about what you will be seeing.  I'm happy to share and happy to help. 

If you would like a copy of the logo we will be using for your camp or other church callings...please feel free to comment here or contact me via email at  Be sure to include your email address so I can respond back quickly.


  1. Awesome. Wish I were involved with camp right now!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Amei... tudo muito lindo! Parabéns.. estou agora trabalhando com as moças e queria pedir se possivel me enviar esse logotipo em Português ou no programa que eu possa modificar. Obrigada....

  4. Hi I love your blog, you are so creative! I just got called as young women camp director and am a little over my head! any pointers or tips you have to offer would be greatly appriciated! thankyou

  5. I am excited to see the things you come up with for camp. I just got called to be the Stake YW president in a stake in New Zealand and am always looking for powerful camp ideas!

  6. i would love to get emails! thank you!!

  7. I am a new stake camp director and would love to see more details on what you are planning for this year.

  8. jennifer, por favor pode me enviar este logotipo em portugues. quero fazer em blusas para novos inícios. obrigada

  9. please can you send me the theme & logo camp 2011 (Daughter's of the Noble Birthright) in Portuguese, I want to make blouses for the girls in new beginnings day 22 january. thanks

  10. I would really like any information that you can send me about your camp

  11. I am the Stake Camp Director & would love to receive emails from you with any ideas you have.

  12. I am so excited to find you. I just got called as the Craft Director for the Stake for girls camp---any craft ideas,,,it is a princess theme,. thanks mamajax

  13. Hi, I commented on the Princess cones, in hopes of receiving all your info. and papers that you have created thus far. Not sure you will see that comment, so I am also commenting at the bottom of your blog. Any of those that you would be willing to send on, I would gladly take. My email address is Our theme is princess academy and I am camp director. Thanks so much! Amy Barton

  14. I too have just been called to serve in the Young Women's. Please send me any ideas you have for this year. Our theme is similar, with Elder Uchtdorf's talk on "your own Happily Ever After" I am in charge of the lol
