Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Primary Music Memo - October 2010 Week Three

We come unto Christ by repenting when we make a mistake.

This past week our son Braden has been coming to tell us that he needs to apologize for anything that he has done that might have been wrong or an accident within our home.  It has been really cute to hear him say those words.  I think learning to apologize is a great lesson to learn at such a young age. 

This week's Primary Sharing Time will be focusing on repentance.  Our Primary Children will learn that in order to come unto Christ we have to have faith in Him, keep His commandments, make covenants, and repent when we make mistakes.  Encourage your Primary Children to find songs in the Children's Songbook that talk about repentance and sing them on Monday Night during FHE.

If you would like a copy of this week's Primary Music Memo...please comment here or email me directly at jennifer.hawkins@hotmail.com.  Please be sure to leave me your email address!

1 comment:

  1. I just wanted to let you know that I LOVE your idea's and most importantly I LOVE the MUSIC memo. I am going to have to implement this in our primary!
