Young Women in Excellence 2009 - Presented by my sister STACY!!!
This year for Young Women in Excellence, we chose a cooking theme.
First, we made recipe card invitations, which I bought and downloaded on Jessicasprague.com. We invited the families of the Young Women to come and see what they had “Cooked” up over the year.
Next, we made giant recipe cards. Each of the YW chose a value and filled in her recipe card to go along with a ten hour project that she worked on during the year. We were very excited with how they turned out. The girls spent a lot of time working on their cards and they looked darling!
At one of our activity nights, we had each of the girls sew an apron that went along with the YW value that they would be displaying. To keep things cheap, we bought a white, flat sheet for $4.50 at Wal-Mart and cut it into small waist aprons. The girls wore their aprons as they presented their values the night of YW in Excellence.
The programs were designed to look like aprons. They looked really cute and went along with our theme for the night.
As a presidency, we decided to gather some of our favorite recipes to give each of the girls for our handout. We tried to use the YW values, for example, White Chicken Chili was one we used for Faith (White). Then they were tied with a ribbon and a wooden spoon.
For decorations, we used cooking supplies from home and for refreshments, we served brownies and had ice cream scoops all ready in muffin papers inside muffin tins. They looked really cute. We also had other toppings to go on their brownie sundaes.
The YW did a great job presenting their values and had really fun displays. I think everyone had a great time and I am so proud of the girls for what they have accomplished over the year!
Super cute!!! I love it. Of course, I love baking and cooking, but I think anyone would adore this theme with the cute ideas.
I love this idea and we are using it for our program next week. The only thing we are trying to get done is the invitation. I tried coping your invitation, but it won't work. I was wondering if there is anyway you would email it to me. We LOVE it and there is no way I could make it as cute as you did. My address is brooketaylor@infowest.com
I went to Jessicasprague.com and was lost there. Could you tell me where to find the invites there?? Thanks so much. Love this idea!!
Such a great and cute idea! I too want to use this idea and need help with the invitation. Could you e-mail it to me or tell me how to find it on the website you got it from. Thanks so much ajforeveryoung@gmail.com
Thanks for sharing! I'm not in YW anymore, but will be using this for an Activity Days night ..like YW in Excellence, but with Activity Days! I found the recipe cards on jessicasprague.com by doing a search for recipe card. Recipe card inspiration popped up and there they were! Thanks!
I downloaded the recipe card invitation from Jessica Sprague. But now I need to know how to get the information about our event on it. What kind of program should I open it in and use? Please help!
To add additional information to the recipe card...I would recommend using Publisher or Photoshop and use a TEXT BOX to create the text that you will need on each line. I hope this helps!
We loved your idea and used it for our Evening in Excellence. It was wonderful! Thanks for sharing all of your great ideas
Love this idea. Do you have a write up of the recipes of the values? If you do would love to get a copy. pmhanny@cox.net
Thanks for this
cooking chicken
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