Friday, September 25, 2009

General Conference Memory Game

This is a memory game that my sister, Merrilee, has created for General Conference. I think this is darling and could be used with lessons in Primary and YM/YW.

***Various Clip Art used & information gathered from***

Living Prophet Memory Game

President Monson:
• Served as the President of the Church’s Canadian Mission.
• Served in the United States Navy near the end of WWII.
• Distinguished career in publishing and printing with Deseret News.
• Very involved with the Boy Scouts of America and received the highest award in Scouting, the Bronze Wolf (among many others).

President Eyring:
• Enjoys helping to bake bread and cook breakfast with his family.
• At first, he studied physics at college because his father was a talented scientist. Later he decided that science wasn’t his favorite subject. When he attended graduate school, he studied business instead.
• One of his hobbies is watercolor painting.

President Uchtdorf:
• Was raised in Germany.
• As a child, he worked hard in the family business, pulling a laundry cart behind a bicycle.
• For 35 years he flew airplanes. He eventually became chief pilot and senior vice president of flight operations for an airline.
• Still loves to travel with his wife. He’s visited most parts of the world.
• Enjoys classical music, hiking and dancing.

President Packer:
• He shows his love for nature by painting and carving animals, especially birds.
• He was unable to serve a full-time mission because World War II broke out. Instead, he served his country by being a bomber pilot.
• He was a teacher and loves science.
• He is the author of a number of books and other published works.

Elder Perry:
• Once when Elder Perry was working as a businessman, his bosses asked him to break a promise. Instead of compromising his morals, Elder Perry decided to quit his job.
• He attended Utah State University where he studied finance.
• When he was a boy, his nickname was “Stretch “ because he was so tall.
• While serving as a Marine during World War II, Elder Perry and one other Latter-day Saint soldier held church services every Sunday. They kept their sacrament supplies in a small trunk that was painted green.
• His professional career was in the retail business.

Elder Nelson:
• When he was young, Elder Nelson had many part-time jobs: running errands for his father’s advertising company, working in a bank, working in a photo studio, and working at a post office.
• He plays the piano. He has perfect pitch and has sung in many choirs, including award-winning quartets.
• He was a heart doctor and worked on a team that made medical history by developing a machine that could perform the functions of the lungs and the heart while a patient was undergoing surgery.
• Enjoys swimming, playing tennis, and riding horses.
• Skiing is one of his “greatest loves.”

Elder Oaks:
• He was appointed a judge on the Utah Supreme Court.
• He is well educated and reads three or four newspapers a day, along with books and magazines. Sometimes he even reads while waiting at stoplights.
• While announcing a high school basketball game, he was introduced to his first wife, June Dixon.
• He worked at many interesting jobs. His first job was sweeping out a radio repair shop.
• He enjoyed spending time with his children, especially going fishing.
• Because of his first job, he later became a radio announcer.

Elder Ballard:
• He served in the British Mission and was called to be a counselor to two mission presidents.
• Served as the President of the Canada Toronto Mission.
• He met his wife, Barbara, at a dance. “I kid her now that getting her to agree to marry me was the greatest sales job I ever did,” Elder Ballard says.
• Loves spending time with his children and would take his son Clark to Nevada to visit a mine.
• One of his jobs as an adult was to sell automobiles to people. Later he took over the company that his father had started.
• He enjoyed real estate.

Elder Scott:
• As a young man, he didn’t get a summer job he applied for with the Utah Park Service. He traveled to Utah anyway, and he offered to wash dishes for two weeks. He said, “If you don’t like my work, you don’t have to pay me.” By the end of the summer, he had become the number-two cook.
• He had many other interesting jobs, including gathering seashells while sailing off the coast of New York.
• He likes jazz music and knows how to play the clarinet.
• He likes science and became a nuclear engineer.
• Enjoys watercolor painting.
• Served his mission in Uruguay and then served as a Mission President in Argentina.

Elder Hales:
• As a child, Elder Hales learned to play the piano. Now he plays “just for fun.”
• As a freshman in high school, Elder Hales was the varsity pitcher for his school baseball team. After pitching poorly and causing his team to lose three games in a row, Elder Hales was ready to quit. His coach told him, “Quit showing off in the beginning of the game, and you won’t wear out your arm.” Elder Hales listened and pitched a shutout at the next game.
• While serving in the US Airforce, his unit in the squadron had the motto “Return with Honor.”
• As a young husband, he worked at a television station in Salt Lake City, Utah, and operated a movie camera.
• Enjoys playing golf in his spare time.

Elder Holland:
• He was the President of BYU.
• He served his mission in England. His parents were called to the same mission while he was there, so he had to say farewell to his parents both when he left for his mission and before he returned home!
• In high school he ran track, played baseball, and helped win the state championships in both football and basketball.
• As a teenager, he worked as a service station attendant, a paperboy, and a grocery bagger.
• He is the author of several books.

Elder Bednar:
• When he was called to be a new apostle, he was serving as the president of BYU–Idaho, formerly known as Ricks College.
• As president of BYU–Idaho, he always asked students to bring their scriptures to devotionals so they could learn from them.
• Even though his father was not a member of the Church, he supported his son’s decision to accept a mission call to Germany. His father later joined the church and asked him to come baptize him.
• He was the quarterback on his high school football team. He met his wife when they were both college students at BYU. They were playing flag football, and she caught one of his passes. He was impressed. It was the only pass she remembers ever catching!

Elder Cook:
• Served as a missionary in the British Mission.
• He starred on his high school basketball and football teams, helping them earn statewide recognition.
• He was a business lawyer.
• Enjoyed political science. In junior high, he was elected Student body President and his wife was student body vice president. In high school they were on the debate team together.
• He ran back to get his friends boots for him during a fire drill in elementary school. He didn’t want his friend’s feet to be cold in the snow. Being the last student in the building, he ended up ruining the school’s record breaking evacuation attempt.

Elder Christofferson:
• Served a mission in Argentina when Elder Scott was the mission President. Elder Scott recalls a particular incident when he saw Elder Christofferson have a bicycle accident in which he damaged his suit and injured his hands. But he was undaunted. Elder Scott says, “He brushed himself off, climbed onto the bicycle, and headed off for an appointment with his companion.”
• He practiced law in Washington, D.C., after serving as a law clerk to U.S. District Judge John J. Sirica, the judge who would later preside at the Watergate trials.
• He earned his bachelor’s degree from Brigham Young University, and his law degree from Duke University.
• As a teenager living in New Jersey, he participated in the cast of the Hill Cumorah Pageant near Palmyra, New York, for two summers.
• He knew how much his mother loved homemade bread—and how difficult it would be for her to continue to make it when she was sick with cancer. He asked his grandmother to teach him how to bake bread, and he made it regularly for his family until he left for college several years later.

Elder Andersen:
• He was raised in Pocatello, Idaho, on a dairy farm where he remembers doing "typical Idaho farm work, from morning to night.” Even on Christmas morning before they opened their presents, he had to milk the cows.
• He moved around a lot and speaks French, Portuguese and Spanish in addition to his native English.
• Elder Andersen served a mission in France then later served as a mission president in the France Bordeaux Mission.
• In high school, he excelled in student government, serving as governor of Idaho Boys State.
• He graduated from Brigham Young University, and earned a masters of business administration from Harvard University.
• His business interests included advertising, real estate development and health care.


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* said...

I love this! As Primary president in my ward, I think we'll be using this in the future! thanks for posting it!!

Valerie said...

It looks like a lot of work went into this! Thanks to her and you for sharing.

Stacey C. said...

I love these cards! Thanks for sharing!

Within These Walls said...

Great job! These are great! Do you have a pdf file of them?

Jodi Loveland said...

I love these cards and want to use them-- but how do I print them off? Can you email me the file? said...

I agree, these are wonderful! If you are emailing the file - please include me!

Keep up the great work!

Maria said...

I teach seminary & would love to use this in my class. Could you email me the file?

Kelli said...

I would love to use these in my primary. Do you have a file you could email to me?

jonna said...

I, too, would love to use these both in Primary, and at home. If you are sharing the file, I'd love a copy, as well.

Hepworth Family said...

I would also love a copy of this.

Thank you for sharing!

Christine said...

Could you send it to me too?

Stacy said...

I love these. Can you email me a copy.
Stacy Coley

The FOUR M's... said...

I would love the file as well -- if you have a chance, my email is melaviti (at) gmail (dot) com. Thank you so much for sharing!! :)

Laurie said...

Love these!
Do you have a PDF file you would be willing to share?

My email is
(replace AT with @).


themckennafamily said...

I would love to use this for my Activity Day girls! Could I also get a copy?

Thanks so much!

Julie said...

This is so well put together! Thanks for sharing this. I would like to use it for our FHE, can you please email me the file too? Thanks so much!

Dawn said...

This looks Great! Can I get a copy of the pdf file as well?


lovin' life said...

Thank you so much for sharing this! I would love to use it with my Activity Days girls. Could you please email me the file?

Tara said...

These are fantastic! WOuld love to use them for my kids! COuld I please get a copy of the file as well?

tarapwin @

Christene said...

Me as well, please!!

Thomas Family said...

if you right click the image and select open image in new tab it provides a version of that apostle. This version can be printed or copied and pasted into a word file.

Zippy Z said...

I would love to get a couple of this as a pdf file!
Thank you!

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for this! I'm doing it for my Activity Day girls tonight and I think they'll love it!

Taggart Photography said...

I would like a copy too if you are sending them out. I tried to just save the pictures so I can print them at Costco, but it saves them as png files. Help? BTW, thank you for sharing - I can't wait to play this with our kids!

Katy said...

Can I please have the file emailed to me as well? I would love to use this for Activity Days.

Jen said...

I would love a copy emailed to me! THANK YOU

Debbie :) said...

This is the best apostles game I've seen. Would you please email me the file? I'd love to use it in my seminary class this week.

thanks! Debbie

Tiffany said...

I know you have had many requests for the file of these. Can I get one as well? My email is Thank you!

mbmarshall said...

I would love a copy of this to use in primary this week.

Unknown said...

Love, love love this!!!! Could I get a copy?

Unknown said...


Ann Guevara said...

I would love a copy. Thank YOU!

Unknown said...

I would love a copy of this to do in Primary this week to get ready for conference. Can you please e-mail me the file. Thank you so much for all your time and effort for put in to this. It is amazing!

Family of Strength said...

I happened upon this searching for an apostles match game for my Activity Days girls! FABULOUS! I hope and pray that by some small chance you could email me the file so I could use it tomorrow. There was a lot of time and effort put into it.
Thank you.

Family of Strength said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Cold I plese get the pdf a well
thank you!

Lil said...

If you're emailing pdf's, I would love to be on the list: Thanks!

Bekster P said...

Love a PDF.. wanting to use this for FHE in getting ready for conference.

Josie said...

I also would LOVE to use this for my kids... if I could get a copy to that would be wonderful!

jaydalou said...

I would like a copy as well! Pdf?

Cara :) said...

I LOVE this! I tried doing something similar a few years ago, but this is much much better! :) will you send me the file as well? ? :) thank you!!

Rebekah said...

Would it be possible to get a copy of the cards and info emailed? Thanks so much, what a fun idea!

John, Jess, Ellie, Cade, Eden & Scarlett said...

I would love to have these emailed to me as well!

Thank you!

Tonia said...

I would LOVE the file as Thank you!

Nancy said...

Is it possible to print these cards? I'd love to use them with my kids!

Jill said...

Love these. Could I ever get the file emailed?

janellemc said...

Love this. I'd love to use it for FHE can you send it to me, too?

Jennie said...

i would love to get a pdf too if possible :) my email is ... thanks so much!

The Webber's said...

I would love the pdf too if you are willing to email it.
My email is
Thanks! SO cute!

The Eatons said...

I would love to have this emailed to me. It's a lovely idea.
Thank you for sharing!

Jones said...

I'd also like a copy of a PDF, please.

Lizzy said...

This is amazing!! Thanks for taking the time to post. I found your site via pinterest. I bookmarked it and will be back often. I would also love a pdf file.

Cami Reschke said...

I know a lot of people have already asked if you can share the file, but I'd love for you to share it with me, too. This is exactly what I needed to help me prep our primary kids for Conference coming up!

Haley said...

I would love a copy of these in a PDF? Thank you so much!!

Tiffani Harris said...

A copy would be so fabulous for activity day girls, and FHE! Thanks!

Tiffani Harris said...

I would love a pdf of this if you send it out! Thanks

wendy said...

I love this also! Would you please email me a file also? Thank you.

Sierra said...

I would love this is as well! Thank you so much!

Kate said...

If you are still e-mailing the pdf's. I would love one too, this is wonderful!


AngelaH said...

What a wonderful project you've created! I was wanting to make something exactly like this for an achievement days activity to get the girls excited for conference this weekend. You've done a much better job than I could have. I hope you will also send me the pdf file. My email address is Thanks for your amazing work!!

Unknown said...

This is wonderful and so perfect for a general conference activity. Do you have a pdf file you can share of these? Thanks.

Diane said...

I would like to add my name to the long list requesting this as a pdf file. We are watching conference with our grandchildren this weekend and would like to have this to help them have a better experience.
Thank you!

AshLyn said...

I too would like to use this for my activity day girls.. please e-mail a pdf to thank you so much for sharing.

Erika said...

If you're still emailing this out I would love to have it!


jeanine said...

These cards are great! Would you mind sending me your file? jeaninecraneATyahooDOTcom

Laura said...

Is there any way you could email me a pdf file of these? I've noticed a lot of people have asked for one. Our older youth kids are working on Youth Conference. This would be perfect for our Beehives and Deacons. Especially since we just had Conference! Thanks!

Laurie said...

Thank you so much for leaving this up! I love this!!!

Jim said...

These are marvelous if you have a pdf I would love a copy if you don't mind sharing! Thanks!

Alison said...

Thank you so much for sharing this. I can't wait to use it for FHE! :)

Angela and Curtis said...

I would love a copy of this to be emailed to me. It is fantastic!


Angela and Curtis said...

I would love a copy of this to be emailed to me. It is fantastic!


Tyson. Jacque. Jackson. Mason said...

I would love to get an emailed copy of this for sharing time! Thanks!

Dede said...

SO SO cute! Would love to print these out...

Katy said...

This is wonderful! We would love to use this in activity days. COuld you email me the file? thanks

Katy said...

This is wonderful! We would love to use this in activity days. COuld you email me the file? thanks

cwhitten57 said...

love this. Would like copy for Activity Day girls. Thanks

cwhitten57 said...

love this. Would like copy for Activity Day girls. Thanks

Unknown said...

Love what you've done! I would also like to use this for Activity Days. Could I get a copy?
Thanks! :)

Suzy said...

I would love to use this for my activity days, how can I print? My email is if you want to email me the file! Thanks, this looks fantastic!!

Karie Summer O'Connor said...

Is the only way to print this a pdf file? if so, will you please email it to me? Thanks.

Karie Summer O'Connor said...

Is the only way to print this a pdf? Will you please email it to me?

Mandy said...

Would you mind emailing this to me as well? Thank you,

Cheryl said...

These are great. Could you email me a copy as well?

Unknown said...

I would love to get a copy of this file for an activity tomorrow evening. my email is

Kesterfam said...

These cards are just what I am looking for to do with my Activity Day Girls to get ready for Conference. I live in China, but I love that thanks to the internet I can still get connected with wonderful ideas like this! Thanks for all your work.
I'm not sure how I'm supposed to print them? Can you email and let me know? Thanks,

Tamara Chamberlain said...

I would love a pdf copy of this as well if you have it.


ksggardner said...

HI! I would love the file also, it is great!

Kate said...

This post is so old, but I am still trying to get a copy of your awesome memory game! If you are up for it, will you email me the file at ? Thank you so much!

Unknown said...

I'm also wanting to use this for activity days. Could you email it to me?

brackenandtalishajones said...

I would also love to use this for activity days? Could you please email me a copy! I am trying to have this prepared for tomorrows activity, I am a little behind.. thank you!

jessica said...

Wow! This is awesome!

I would love a pdf. jnewarner(at)

Did you know you could update your blog post and include a link to the pdf for everyone? I'm sure it gets crazy for you to email all of us the files. Again, this is amazing. Thank you!

Kata said...

I would love this. Please send it to me too!

Smith Family said...

This is incredible! I would love it if you'd be able to email me a copy too! thank you so much!

Sandy said...

Perfect idea for Activity Days!
I would love to have a pdf file as well. My email is

Thanks so much!!!

Jenn Nielsen said...

Oh my goodness. SUCH A GREAT JOB! Could you email me a file as well? I'd like to share it with my Activity Day girls this Wednesday. Thanks! (

Janetta said...

I would love a copy of this as well if possible. My email is grahamfam at hotmail dot com. Thanks!

Staci Hoskins said...

OH.MY.GOSH! These are so cute! Really wanted to use them for my Activity Day girls this Wednesday. Can I get the PDF as well?

Unknown said...

This is great! Could I also have a pdf file emailed to me? I would love to use this for my achievement day, and my mom also wants to use it for Young Women this week. Thanks!



Sarah Briggs said...

Not sure if all of these people actually got a copy of this via email but if they did I would love a copy too!

Sarah Briggs said...

Would love a copy.

Sarah Briggs said...

Would love a copy.

Sarah Briggs said...

Would love a copy

Yennigirl said...

Could you send me a copy?

Celeste said...

This is a popular game! I love it too. If you aren't tired of sending it out. celeste_817 at

manda sue said...

This is amazing Please email me a copy if you are able so I can use them with my activity day girls. Thanks!

Unknown said...

Are you really sending this out to everyone? You're amazing... I just spent hours making a memory game just like this for my AD girls tomorrow but I just found this one that's so much better!!! Can I please have it? Fantastic job!!! Thanks in advance!

Unknown said...

Will you please email them to me?

Anonymous said...

Could you also email a copy?

suzanne said...

Could I please get a copy of this. It is FABULOUS! Thank you so much!

Lyon Pride said...

Can I please get a copy of these? Awesome! I tried to save the images on here but they are not clear enough. Thank you so much! ttlyon44 at gmail dot com

Tim and Jennifer said...

Can I please get a copy? hey10isgirl (at) yahoo (dot) com

Chelsi said...

Me too thanks!

Janessa said...

Hi! I just stumbled upon these from pinterest and I would LOVE a copy! I have been looking for something just like this! Could you please email me the file? Thank you so much!! I truly appreciate you sharing your talents with the rest of us!!

Lacy said...

So cute, could I get the file emailed to me? Thanks for sharing

Smith Family said...

I wrote a comment a little while back but didn't hear back from you or it went to my spam and I never saw it. If you're able to send this out, I would love love love it to use with my kids. Thank you! kimmiebernhoft at

Denise said...

can you email the file to me? Those are great! Thanks, Denise

Cassandra Mahana said...

May I have a copy of this is as well

Thank you

lindsy said...

Wow! These are wonderful! I would love a PDF file too if you're still sending them out. Thanks so much!

WilsonFamily said...

WoW!! So much work went into this memory game. I realize you made these at least 4 years ago. Is it possible to send me a pdf of this file? Thanks so much!

Grandma Jodi said...

This is an amazing amount of work. If you are still sharing PDF files, I would be grateful to be included. Thank you for sharing a wonderful tool.

Lachelle said...

I too, would love a file of this if yoiu can sent it to me. This is amazing!

Sahara said...

Will you email me a copy as well? I want my kids to get to know the prophet and apostles.
sjhinkey (at) gmail (dot) com

Unknown said...

This is a great activity I would like to use for my girls this Wednesday. Could you email this to me or tell where I can download it?


Wheeler Family said...

This is a great activity I would like to use for my girls this Wednesday. Could you email this to me or tell where I can download it?

Wheeler Family said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Russell, Tiffany, Emily, Colby, Logan, and Charlotte said...

This game will be perfect for our upcoming primary activity. Will you send me a copy of the file as well? Thanks so much.

Russell, Tiffany, Emily, Colby, Logan, and Charlotte said...

This game will be perfect for our upcoming primary activity. Will you send me a copy of the file as well? Thanks so much.

Sarah said...

if you are sharing your files, i'd love to use them for an Activity Days game.

Jensen Family said...

I would love to use these cards for FHE and Activity Days. Will you please email me the file.

Elizabeth said...

If it is possible, I'd love to get this for my Activity Days tomorrow. My email is Thanks is advance (if possible)!!!

Unknown said...

Great idea, I am also looking to use this for Activity Days this week, are you sending PDF files to download? Please email me at
Thanks so much

Unknown said...

Not sure if my last message went though, I would love a copy for our Activity Days meeting this week!!

Unknown said...

I'm new to Google Plus, I'm the one who sent the last message. My email is

Thank you! I love your idea!

Robyn said...

I would love the PDF as well. Thank you!

Jessica Peterson said...

Can I please have you email me the pdf file?
Thank you

Daun said...

I would LOVE the electronic file as well for 5th Sunday Sharing time this month!


Tara and Ricky said...

Seeing all these comments has me hopeful that you are still sending this out. I would to use this for activity days. Can you send it to Thanks!!

Unknown said...

I copied and pasted these and printed them off for Activity DAys, I hope that is o.k. :)


Unknown said...

I copied and pasted these into a word doc. then printed them for Activity Days. I hope that is o.k.


Rhonda H said...

I would also like to use the for Activity Girls

Thank you!!

Lane and Katie Eyre said...

I'm hoping you still are sending out this pdf. Could I get it? They are awesome!

Lane and Katie Eyre said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
twinmom2x2n1 said...

I loaded it as a png to my costco account and ordered pics...... I hope they'll turn out. I have an hour drive to go and pick them up. I will be so disappointed if I get there and they're useless. I guess procrastinating is killing me this week. Been out of town all week and I have sharing time tomorrow! YIKES! If you're still sending them out, I'd love a pdf file. Thank you so much! It's an AWESOME game! ;)

Vanessa, Zac and Noah said...

I too would love this if available

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing! Do you mind sending me the file also?

Ward Family Blog said...

I would love to play this memory game with my activity girls this week. Is it possable for you to email me a printable copy of this game? You did a great job putting this together and I think it is so great for the children to know who these leaders are. Thanks Sabrina Ward. email:

Anna said...

Could I please have a pdf of these awesome cards? Thanks
hull(dot)anna (at)gmail

Rachel said...

I would love to use these for my Activity Days Girls this week? Could I get a pdf? They are darling!

Joshua said...

Can I please get s pdf as well. I'm having issues printing from your blog.

Mari said...

I would love a copy as well for my activity day girls.

Chanell said...

Would love a copy for activity day girls.. Thanks

MCVranes said...

could i also get the pdf file? i am loving this game. my email is thank you!!!!

Unknown said...

I would love to have a copy if you still have it. Thanks!

Unknown said...

I would also love a copy if you still have it! Thank you so much!

Sabeys said...

Ditto to the above! I don't know if you're still sending out files, but my email is if you are :) Thanks so much.

Buckway Family said...

So cute! Could you send me the file to


Unknown said...

are you still emailing out pdf files? if so, I'd love one!


Amy Lucas said...

Would love a pdf if you are doing that. This is great.

Holly said...

What a fun idea. I'd love to use these to do "guess who's coming to dinner" with my children before conference. Are you willing to share you file? Thanks! hollyyorgason(at)gmail(dot)com

Jen said...

I would love a copy of the pdf if you don't mind sending it! What a great idea to use with my AD girls!

crystalperry said...

could you send it to me as well? thank you!

Unknown said...

I would also love a copy of this PDF for my Activity Day Girls.
Thank you!

Unknown said...

I would love a pdf copy of this game if that is still possible.
thanks so much,
Ann J

Unknown said...

I would love a copy of this file if that is still possible.
thanks so much,
Ann J

Unknown said...

Just got one page Elder Hales. could you try again I would love this game. and thanks for sharing
Ann J

Unknown said...

I love this, is there anyway I could get a pdf of this I would love to use it in primary to get the children excited for general conference, my email is, thank you so much for sharing your talents!!!

Ashley Packard said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ashley Packard said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ashley Packard said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sister Keller in New York said...

Great idea! Could I get a copy too?

Morgan Scott said...

I'm teaching the Activity Day girls next week and would love to use these. Would you be able to email me the file? Thanks!

the medeiros family said...

I love this and would love a copy to use for my family. thank you so much! :)

Kristi said...

Could I get the pdf file for the General Conference Memory Game? You can email the file to klj68m @
Thank you!

Todd King said...

I would love to use this for my family and activity days. If you do send out a PDF could you please e-mail it to


Kaicie said...

Love this. Can you send me the file?

Thanks you.

Aubree Jo said...

DO you still email this out? If so could you email it to me at Thank you!

Stuart and Kimber said...

I would love a copy of these. These look amazing! Thank you for sharing!

Melissa Cheney said...

I would LOVE a PDF copy of this for my Activity Day girls! My email is melissamcheney1 at gmail dot com

Shannon said...

I would love to use these with my kids during the upcoming General Conference. Would you be able to email me the PDF file? Thank you for sharing!

Mary Anne said...

I am looking at the LONG list of requests for this and wondering if it might save you some trouble if you posted a link to the document. It's sort of complicated, but worth it in the long run. Here's a tutorial.
If you don't do that, I, too, would like a copy emailed to me.

Laura said...

PDF for me to please!

Lindsey Empie said...

could you email a file of this great work.

Maria Miller said...

Could you please email this to me? I teach early morning seminary and would love to use this to help my kids learn more about the apostles. Thanks!

anonymous said...

This is exactly what I would like to use for a YW activity. Please email me a pdf file.

Unknown said...

I'd love the PDF too, if you are still sending them out. Thank you so much!

Anonymous said...

Please send me a copy of the pdf file if it is available. I love this for our activity days.

Jeannette said...

I'd love to use this for an Activity Day activity. Could you please send me the pdf file? Thanks so much!

Unknown said...

I just found the General Conference Memory Game on Pinterest!! I know it was originally posted long ago. Is it still possible for you to email the file of this cute game? It would be a perfect gift for my grandkids and a fun project for my Activity Day girls.

LeAnn said...

Is it possible to get files for this cute idea? The Apostle memory cards and descriptions?

Bendel Life said...

could you please send the the pdf versions. They'd be great for primary.

The Poulters said...

These are wonderful. Exactly what I was looking for to do in sharing time. Do you want us to just print them off or could you send the file?
Thanks so much!

Jolene said...

I would love the pdf file as well!

Packard Adventures said...

I would love the pdf file too please! Thank you! These are awesome!

Angela Bassett said...

Thanks for your time and effort. If you still have the file handy, I would love a copy for our primary children. Thanks. Angie

Angela Bassett said...


Eric & Angie said...

This is a great game for FHE! Do you have a PDF file for them? Could you email it to me?

Kate said...

Could I get a copy too? They are so cute. Thanks!

Unknown said...

Can I please have it too?

BS artists perspective said...

Thank you so much for this. I had an entire jeopardy game about the living prophets planned for tomorrow and as I was going over it tonight I knew it wasn't quite right for our kids. How blessed to come across your site and your hard work. I cannot thank you enough this is exactly what my primary needs and a much better direction for little minds.

Susan B said...

I'd love a copy of in PDF please!

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