Monday, May 16, 2011

Primary Music Idea - Lucy Smith Music Time

I apologize!  I was not able to post this prior to Mother's Day this year, but still think that this is an activity that you could use before the end of the month in Primary.  For Mother's Day this year I wanted to make sure I stayed close to our monthly Primary theme.  I immediately thought of Joseph's Smith's mother, Lucy.  I knew that the Primary Children probably wouldn't know too much about her so I went searching to see what I could find.  I located a Lesson from our Primary 3 Book - Choose the Right B Lesson 4 based on Joseph Smith's Childhood.  It talks a lot about Joseph Smith's Family and Lucy.  Just what I was looking for.  I decided to take in a Pioneer Bonnet and some word strips that could be discussed about how Lucy was a wonderful Mother in teaching her children to not only serve, but to love the Lord. 

Here's how Music Time unfolded...

I invited a young lady to come up front and I placed the Pioneer Bonnet on her head and asked the Primary Children if they could tell me if they could figure out whose mother we were going to be talking about today.  With a little help and a few hints they pieced together that we were going to be talking about Joseph Smith's mother, Lucy.

Then, I invited other Primary Children up front to hold signs one by one as we discussed everything that Lucy had done to teach her children.

The first sign read OBEY - Lucy taught her children how to OBEY.  Joseph knew the Bible and knew that the Bible said, "Honour thy father and thy mother."  Joseph honored his parents by being loving and obedient.  After discussing this sign...we sang STAND FOR THE RIGHT.

The second sign read SERVE - Lucy taught her children how to work and serve others.  Jesus taught that we should serve others.  Joseph Smith was a good worker and always tried to do his share of the work without complaining.  He served his family by being helpful and working hard.  After discussing this sign...we sang CALLED TO SERVE.

The third sign read LOVE - The Smith Family LOVED each other.  One of Joseph's best friends was his brother Hyrum, who was six years older than he was.  All the brothers and sisters in Joseph's family played together often.  They tried to show their love for one another.  After discussing this sign...we sang LOVE ONE ANOTHER.

The forth sign read READ SCRIPTURES - Lucy taught her family to love the scriptures.  Joseph knew that the teachings of Jesus Christ are important.  He often thought about Heavenly Father and Jesus.  He wanted to learn more about them, so he often read in the Bible and prayed.  After discussing this sign...we sang BOOK OF MORMON STORIES.

The fifth and final sign read PRAY - Lucy prayed to Heavenly Father when Joseph Smith was sick.  Heavenly Father answered her prayers and helped Joseph get well.  You can share the story of Joseph's leg if you have time.  After discussing this sign...we sang PRAISE TO THE MAN.

I hope that you will feel the Spirit as we did in our Primary on Mother's Day this month while sharing these sweet stories about our Beloved Prophet's Mother.  If you would like a copy of the word strips...please comment here or email me directly at or  Be sure to leave me you email address!

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