Sunday, April 3, 2011

Seminary Handout - Joseph Smith - Prophet of the Restoration

Happy Conference Weekend Everyone!  Wasn't it wonderful?  I know we enjoyed watching it as a family.  I am always touched by the messages shared.

This is a handout that I will be using tomorrow morning while teaching seminary.  I love that the seminary manual asks the youth to ponder and think about the life of Joseph Smith and everything that he did to restore the gospel.  These are just a few of the questions that is suggests that the youth consider.  I thought it would be more meaningful to them actually write down their answers vs. responding as a group.  I'll probably ask a few of them to share their thoughts, but this will at least allow everyone to take some time to really think about what they have learned this past year.  I know I have learned a lot my reading and studying Doctrine & Covenants this year.

If you would like a copy of this handout...please comment here or email me directly at or  Be sure to leave me your email address!

PS...I noticed this past weekend that some of your emails were sent to my JUNK email box.  I don't always check all of my JUNK mail so if you have not heard back from me on files that you have requested...please try again.  I may have missed some of your emails due to this...SORRY!  I really do try to respond to everyone's emails on a weekly basis.

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