Saturday, April 23, 2011

Primary Music Idea - He Died That We Might Live Again

I apologize that I was not able to get this song idea posted until today.  Two Sunday's ago my husband was called into our Bishopric and it has been a non-stop for us with exciting things happening in our family as well as lots of crazy things happening at work, church, etc...  I did want to share yet another idea for Easter just in case you are scrambling trying to get ready for this weekend.  I pulled out this neat little word strip card holder and printed out the words to the Primary Song "He Died That We Might Live Again".  I also printed out pictures of the Savior to display while teaching the song.  I used the pictures to talk to the Primary Children about all that our Savior did for us in Atoning for our Sins.  This was very simple, but this song is not one that needs any fluff and I wanted the Primary Children to feel the Spirit and to know that this song should be sung with respect and love.

If you would like the PDF files for this song...please comment here or email me directly at or  Be sure to leave me your email address!

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