Sunday, March 20, 2011

Seminary Handout - Eternal Marriage

When a temple marriage is authorized by God and sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise, the marriage will be in force for eternity.  Couples who are sealed and continue faithful to God's law will be exalted.

I'm thrilled that this is Spring Break, but looking forward to teaching a lesson the following week based on D&C 132 which talks about the difference between a Non-Eternal Marriage and an Eternal Marriage.  This is a handout that I've created for the seminary students that we will work off of in discussing the difference between the two.

If you would like a copy of this handout...please comment here or email me directly at or  Please be sure to leave me your email address.


  1. Thanks for sharing. I just did an FHE lesson on The Family Proclamation and we are going through it even more thoroughly little by little so this will be great to include.

  2. Yes, we are learning the Family Proclamation together. This would be so good to use for our lessons.
