Sunday, March 6, 2011

Beehive Messages - Florida Strawberry Festival


This past weekend we had the chance to travel to Plant City, Florida, for the Florida Strawberry Festival.  We have lived in Florida for 14 years and have never had the chance to go.  So, yesterday, my husband decided it was time to take off on an adventure to go check it out.  When we arrived it was so crowded we could hardly move.  We rode a few of the fair rides and then walked the property.  My tummy shouted - WHERE'S THE STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE?  Just then...we saw crowds of people lined up to get just that.  I have to say that our son, Braden, loved it too.  However, for some reason he ended up sharing one with us and most of the cool whip went into his tummy.  All that aside it was still very delicious!  We took a few pictures that I thought you might enjoy.  If you're ever in Florida the first week of sure to check this out. 


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