Saturday, February 26, 2011

Primary Music Memo - March 2011 Week One

Prophets speak for Heavenly Father.

We have our Stake Conference this weekend so I'm taking advantage of a few extra minutes this weekend to post materials that I have prepared for the month of March.  This is the first week of March - Primary Music Memo.  Share messages this upcoming month on how our Prophet speaks for our Heavenly Father and get your Primary Children excited for our upcoming General Conference.

If you would like a copy of this week's Primary Music Memo...please comment here or email me directly at or  Be sure to leave me your email address!

1 comment:

  1. Wow you are so prepared and have such great ideas. I am looking through your blog and loving it. How do your music share times work? Please e-mail me the items for this month. I am feeling so overwhelmed and maybe that will get me started. I sent my e-mail and a message a minute ago. Thanks so much for all the help.
