Sunday, January 2, 2011

Primary Spotlight 2011 Continued - Scripture Scholar Backpack Questions

Remember the Scripture Worm that was posted a while back on the blog? is the continuation of that spotlight.  Invite a member of your Bishopric to be your SCRIPTURE SCHOLAR that will come and help you to spotlight a child in your Primary.  They will be suited up with a backpack and your Scripture Worm.  Have them invite the child/ren up front that you would like to spotlight that week and have them pull a couple of questions from the SCRIPTURE SCHOLARS BACKPACK.  Once they have answered the questions they get to sign their name on the Scripture Worm with a fabric marker.  At the end of the year the Scripture Worm can be presented to your Bishop from the Primary Children to show that they have become SCHOLARS of the SCRIPTURES and the GOSPEL. 

At the end of spotlighting the child...present them with a LDS Scripture Marking Pencil and the Apple that was shown with the WORM (earlier post).

Side Note...some of these questions are not appropriate for Sunday.  You may choose to create a JOURNAL JAR separate from this spotlight that the children can use at home with their families throughout the year.  Our Prophets have taught us that keeping a journal is something that we should take the time to do each day so that our thoughts and memories can be shared with those we love in years to come.  What a great way to get the Primary in the habit of writing each day. 

If you would like the PDF file with the Spotlight and Journal Questions...please comment here or email me directly at  Be sure to leave your email address!


  1. Love the idea!! It is great. I just might have to go over these questions with my own girls. They could use a little scholarly knowledge!!

  2. I would love a copy of the PDF melblocks at hotmail dot com. Thanks for sharing these ideas. I love the idea for the journal jar. Those questions would be perfect.

  3. Hi,Jennifer! My oldest son got a fancy lds journal and this would certainly help him feel like writing. Could you send me the file?
    Do you have it in word format?
    Thanks for all you do and share!
    Hugs from Brazil

  4. yes - please - may i have a copy - thank you -

  5. Would love to get a pdf copy of this! Thanks so much!!


    I love it and would love a copy. thanks.

  7. I would love the journal PDFs. nancy dot minster at gmail dot come

  8. May I have a copy of this?

  9. This years theme is I know the scriptures are true and this is perfect! Not sure if you still have this, but could I get a copy of the PDF?

  10. I know this is old but can I get a copy of this
