Sunday, January 23, 2011

Primary Music Memo - January 2011 Week Four

I can know the scriptures are true.

This week the Primary Children will be invited to share their testimonies of the scriptures at home during family home evening.  I know that we have had a fun time lately in our home as we have made the transition from reading the children's version of the scriptures to the REAL thing this past month with our four year old, Braden.  Braden, has been learning sight words at Preschool and over Christmas Break we noticed that he was pointing out a few words to us while we were watching some college football games.  We decided that it would be neat to see how many other words he could pick up on while allowing him the opportunity to read from the Book of Mormon one verse every night.  In just a month...he is reading almost the entire verse on his own.  Wow!  I never realized how many sight words there were in those verses until this little adventure.  We have always read the scriptures with him being part of it with our older children, but we have gone through different stages in having him be part of our reading and this is such a joy to watch.  Your children may be young, but they can learn at a young age to grow to love the scriptures as they read them.

If you would like a copy of this week's Primary Music Memo...please comment here or email me at  Please be sure to leave me your email address.

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