Friday, December 31, 2010

Primary Music Idea - If I Listen with My Heart

Primary Children around the world will love this new Primary Song written by Sally DeFord.

I am so excited about this year's Primary Theme " I Know the Scriptures Are True."  I know that they will learn messages that will stay with them throughout their lives as they listen to the lessons that will be taught and the music that will be sung.  Testimonies will be strengthened not only for the Primary Children, but for the adults working with them as well.

I had received this past year a really cute calendar from my Mom that was placed in a CD jewel case.  I loved it and have been saving the idea to use for teaching a song in Primary up until now. 

Here's what you will need in order to share this song with your Primary Children:

1.  Find a CD jewel case that you are not using...I'm sure you all have one of these some where in your home.  Make sure the front cover can bend in all directions so it can become a stand for the photos, etc...
2.  Email ME at to receive the PDF file for If I Listen with My Heart.
3.  Print the song.  I used regular white paper.  I don't recommend card stock!
4.  You will need to cut the pages pretty close to the dotted lines so that it will fit snug in the slots of the front of the CD jewel case.
5.  Place the front cover in front...this will be the song title sheet.
6.  Place the rest of the pages behind.  You should be able to store the sheets right in the CD case.  Isn't that AWESOME?  Super easy storage!
7.  As you teach the song you can slide out the pages as you sing them.  The CD case is easy to hold in your hand and also cute on a table.  Be creative in how you use it!

I have also included a sheet with just a heart on it.  I thought I might use the heart another week to have the Primary Children listen for the word and when we say/sing HEART they have to hold up their paper HEART or something fun like that.  It also looks cute as the back cover.

Another twist.....create other songs that can be sung with pictures that can be taken into NURSERY.  Because the case is so small and can be held in your hand this might be just what you are looking for to take into the Nursery Room.  I know I plan to create more that can fit inside.  Once those are complete...I'll be sure to share.



If you would like the PDF file to If I Listen with My Heart...please comment here or email me directly at  Be sure to leave me your email address!


  1. I would love the PDF. This is such a cute idea.

  2. Sorry- my email address is

  3. This is so cute!!! I always love you ideas. Please email this to me ( Thank you!

  4. I would love a copy! Thanks for always sharing!

  5. I would love a copy of this!! Thank You so much!!

  6. Hi Jennifer - I would love the pdf. my email is I am new to your blog. I am curious about the 4th Sunday Music share that you have done. Does this take the place of singing time? Do you do all types of musical numbers each 4th Sunday or just one? It sounds like a cool idea! If you have a chance to email what you have done, I would appreciate it. Thanks for this amazing blog!

  7. love it!!
    please email me the pdf
    you are AMAZING!

  8. i would love a copy...thanks for all your help and ideas! Happy New Year

  9. opps here is my e-mail. again

  10. I sent you an e-mail requesting the PDF's, but maybe you didn't get it. Please send! Such a darling idea. Thank you for sharing. My e-mail is

  11. I would love a copy of this as well. Thanks so much!!


  12. I would love your pdf

  13. Thank you for sharing!

  14. I would love a copy of your PDF, thanks

  15. If you are still sending out this pdf I would love it! Thank you!

  16. If you are still sending out this pdf I would love it! Thank you!

  17. If you still have this pdf I would love a copy! Thanks!

  18. I know I am really late in reading this. Do you still have the pdf for this song? I would
    love to have it.

  19. I am preparing a stake conference primary choir and using this song. I would love the PDF for these visuals if possible. Thank you!
