Monday, December 27, 2010

Primary Music Idea - Caroling through the Christmas Village

I love CAROLING during the holiday season...don't you?  I thought it would be fun to bring a Christmas Village to Primary to see if the Primary Children could help me figure out what song was being sung at each of the houses by the carolers.  One by one I allowed a Primary Child to come and pull off one of the roofs.  We read the questions/thoughts that were on the the slips of paper that had been placed inside.  Some were thoughts, some had questions we had to figure out while singing, and some were just plain old fun.  We sang the song listed on the paper, but if the Primary Children weren't singing like CAROLERS we had to sing the song again until everyone was participating and showing their holiday spirit.  Tons of fun!  We made it all the way through the village and personally I thought they sang really well.

If you would like a copy of the files that go with Caroling through the Christmas Village...please comment here or email me directly at  Please be sure to leave me your email address.

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