Merry Christmas to all of our family, friends, associates, and those of you that have played a key role in our lives. We love and appreciate all of you! As a family...we are most thankful this holiday season for the birth of our Savior and for the sacrifices that He made for all of us. May we all remember Him and try to live our lives the way He would in serving and loving others.
Much Love --
Jennifer, Steve, and Family
PS...For those of you that are Beehive Messages followers I apologize that I have not had a chance to post much this month. My computer has reached it's MAX with photos and large files that I have stored. I'm in the process of transferring everything over to an external hard drive and as soon as I have more free space (which I'm hoping to finish this week) I'll have to catch you up with all the fun things that are going on. I have sooooo much to share including fun files, etc... Thanks for being patient with me as I have not forgotten you! Happy Holidays!
Cute Card SIS!!! Thanks for the fun Christmas gift! Love ya!