Monday, December 27, 2010

Beehive Messages - Cookie Exchange 2010

This is one of my favorite holiday activities...OUR WARD'S ANNUAL COOKIE EXCHANGE!  My dear friend, Isabel, has made this something that us ladies look forward to all year.  This year was no different!  We were greeted with open arms and came loaded with our 4 dozen cookies...EACH!  Yes, there were tons of cookies and goodies, but that's what makes this so much fun!  This year, Isabel placed an ELF out in the room with a little tag that mentioned that once you touched him you could not set him down.  He was passed around throughout the entire party.  We played a game (I know nothing about tampering with the game...HA! HA! HA!) where teams had to hurry to decorate another teammate to look like a decorated Christmas Tree using the supplies given. streamer, a star, presents, ornaments, etc...  I still think out team took first, but that's not what other's would say.  We munched on a few treats and then headed in to the dinning area where we shared stories about our cookies and sampled a few too!  YUM!  At the end we each got to take a sampling of the cookies home to share with our families.  We ran out of time to do our gift exchange this year so we all got to pick a gift that was placed under the tree.  We love the fact that we walk away with cookies and a gift...who wouldn't...right?!  I know nothing about the cookie cheerleaders that showed up this year and don't have pictures of them because they were so BAD, but if you happen to see some of their pictures on-line I apologize for the great fun they were having.  I also love that we have the next generation joining in with us...our daughter's!

This year my cookies were little Gingerbread Houses that you hang on hot chocolate mugs.  I used a Gingerbread House Cookie Cutter and made a slit on each house prior to baking so they could fit nicely on the mug once they were cooked and decorated.  I also made some Chocolate Chip Cookies...the recipe is to die for...I PROMISE!

If you would like a copy of my cookie recipes that were shared this year at the Cookie Exchange...please comment here or email me directly at  Please be sure to send me your email address.

Happy Holiday Treats!  YUMMY!


  1. I love the gingerbread mug cookies!! It looks like you had an amazing time!

  2. What a cool idea to do a "Cookie Exchange" with your ward ladies. I'm gonna have suggest this to our RS Pres for next year. Looks like alot of fun!!!
