Sunday, November 7, 2010

Beehive Messages - Busy Kids

Boy...are we happy that the month of October is over with.  We had so much going on but wouldn't want to change that for anything.  I thought I would share a few highlights with all of you.

Our daughter, Chamberlynn, had a blast at a recent Young Women's Activity where the Young Women got to be models for a day. 

Our son, Stockton, has been really busy with band.  Yesterday our band performed in two marching band festivals taking straight superior, distinguished honors, and 1st place GRAND CHAMPION.  Way to go MARCHING KNIGHTS! 

Our son, Braden, had the chance to go on several field trips in October.  One of his favorite highlights was having the chance to sit in a Fire Truck and to use the Fire Hose.  Who knows...maybe this will be his profession some day.

We welcome the month of November and hope that all of you are looking forward to a wonderful holiday season!

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