Saturday, October 30, 2010

Beehive Messages - Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween Weekend to all of my friends and family!  This is a picture of Braden in his Halloween BAT costume.  We are running off to watch our son, Stockton, perform in a big Marching Band Festival, but I wanted to be sure to wish you all the BEST HALLOWEEN WEEKEND EVER! 

I have so much on my computer ready to share with all of  you.  It's been a busy week filled with holiday fun.  I will be checking my email throughout the weekend so if there is a  file you are looking for I will try really hard to make sure you receive it by tomorrow.  For those of you requesting files...please be sure to leave me your email address.  I've received some really wonderful comments on the blog requesting things lately and I have no way of getting them to you without your email address.

Lots of Love...Lots of YUMMY Candy...Lots of Halloween Wishes!

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