Thursday, September 23, 2010

Young Women Personal Progress Award - Post Office Theme

Yet another Young Woman receiving her Personal Progress Award.  Isn't this awesome?

Stacy went with a Post Office Theme for this Young Woman's Award.  As you can see....she made a few trips to the local post office collecting boxes.  Unfortunately for me...she forgot her camera the night of the presentation but managed to get a few pictures that I can share with all of you.  For decorations they had boxes with bubble wrap coming out of them placed around the room.  There was a mailbox at the door on the way in so that individuals could leave her a special message inside congratulating her for a job well done.  As the award was presented boxes were given with messages inside.  You can only imagine how much fun it must have been receiving actual mail vs. a text message.  Ha! Ha! 

Congratulations to another job well done!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this idea of recognizing and kind of having a special party once they finish PP. It is a BIG deal and should be treated as such!
