Friday, September 3, 2010

Primary - Prayer, Precious and Powerful!

"It is out of the depths of true prayer that an individual rises to the real heights."
-- Neal A. Maxwell

I noticed yesterday that our Primary Children will be learning more about Prayer this month in addition to obedience. I thought I would share this simple handout that talks about the 4 steps of Prayer on the front and mentions some songs that can be sung on the back during Family Home Evening. I cut my paper and attached the two parts with an eyelet thinking that the Primary Children could draw a picture or write about Prayer in the middle of the two pages. You may decide to print your copy on one sheet. That looks good too! However you choose to share this message I know that it will be a good one. It is my hope that they will pray often so that they will grow closer to our Father in Heaven.

If you would like a copy of the PRAYER Handout...please comment here or email me directly at Please be sure to leave me your email address!


  1. I would love an email copy of this! Love, love, love your blog!!
    Thanks in advance!

    Amy in KY

  2. Pleae send me a copy of this file -

  3. I would like a copy too. My step daughter's are in Primary so this would be great for a stay at home mom of 2!!!

  4. I am your newest follower from Sassy Sites! I am super excited about you blog!

