Thursday, September 2, 2010

Primary Music Memo - September 2010 Week One

I Obey Jesus Christ Because I Love Him

This monthly Primary Theme couldn't come at a better time.  I'm sure you will all agree that our Primary Children need to be reminded from time to time to obey their parents, teachers, leaders, etc...  With school starting for all of us this is a great reminder to keep the rules and obey.  Our son, Braden, is having to be reminded about obeying Mom & Dad quite a bit lately and I know this month will our Primary Leaders will teach some wonderful lessons on doing just that.  I love the song Quickly, I'll Obey and in our house when that is sung something magical happens.  I would encourage all of you that are Primary Music Leaders to practice this song with the Junior Primary Children this month.  It's a catchy tune with a fantastic message!

If you would like a copy of this week's Primary Music Memo....please comment here or email me directly at  Please be sure to leave me your email address!

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