Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Beehive Messages - Let's GO KNIGHTS!

Football season has arrived!  I love FOOTBALL SEASON.  Friday was our High School's first HOME FOOTBALL GAME.  The entire town was in attendance as this was a rival game vs. a neighboring High School where the other half of the youth from our Ward attend.  There were people in line to get into the game all the way until half-time.  I'm not joking...I think there were at least a thousand plus people in attendance.  As a family...we were excited for the game, but also anxious to watch our son, Stockton, perform in the band.  He plays the trumpet.  The bands from both schools were able to get their half-time performances in right before a torrential down pour which suspended the game.  The final score for the evening was our High School EAST RIDGE 14 to South Lake 7.  It will be fun to see what the schools decide to do as far as a make-up game.  Thought you might enjoy seeing a few pics I captured prior to the RAIN!

GO KNIGHTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just found out we WON the game...way to go Knights!

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