Thursday, August 19, 2010

Young Women's Camp 2010 - Shoe Delivery

Okay...I know I promised that I was finished putting entries up on the blog about this past year's Young Women's Camp, but today I had the privilege to go with my daughter, my son, and some of the Young Women from our Ward to deliver the shoes that they had collected and cleaned as part of our camp service project.  Our Ward choose the Mustard Seed Foundation as their local charity to donate the shoes to.  I can promise you that I was holding back the tears as I watched our Young Women unload the shoes and take them inside where they had the chance to place the shoes they had cleaned on a very empty shelf inside the foundation's warehouse.  As the Young Women were displaying the shoes, on the shelf, I observed several individuals anxious to see what they were pulling out of the box.  I knew that they would be running over to pick out a pair as soon as we left.  The woman that organized a tour for us of the facility mentioned her gratitude to the girls and told them that by the end of the week all of the shoes would be gone.  I certainly know that I was touched and could tell that the Young Women were very pleased with their accomplishment.  To learn more about the Mustard Seed of Orlando please visit their website at  They are always looking for donations!

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