Saturday, August 21, 2010

Beehive Messages - Introducing................................

I have discovered over the past year that many of the visitors of Beehive Messages are school teachers and administrators.  I thought that I would finally reveal to all of you that I LOVE TO TEACH!  Does that surprise any of you?  With school starting in Central Florida this upcoming week I thought I would introduce you to my other world...THE WORLD OF TEACHING!  For the past several months I have taken time away from working non-stop to spend time with my family.  This is the first time in I can't remember how long that I've had the chance to do that.  It has been a nice break for me, but I'm not one that can sit still so I would like to introduce to you CREATIVE KRITTERS!!!  I'm still in the construction stage at, but I hope you will take some time to stop in and say hello.  CREATIVE KRITTERS will be focusing on TEACHER WORKSHOPS, LEARNING ADVENTURES FOR CHILDREN, PHYSICAL FITNESS, and MUCH MUCH MORE!  If you are a teacher, parent, grandparent, administrator, or a caring community friend this blog is for you.

See you at for more learning fun!

Don't worry Friends...Beehive Messages isn't going anywhere.  "BEE" watching for more posts!!!



  1. I'm so excited for this! I'm a teacher as well! :)

  2. Yippy! I have been waiting for you to announce this. We start school tomorrow so I can't wait to check out your new blog. You are so talented!

  3. How fun! Can't wait to go and see what else you're doing!
