Saturday, August 28, 2010

Beehive Messages - EMAIL INFORMATION

Hi Friends of Beehive Messages!

I have been wanting to post this for a few days and I'm  now just getting a few minutes to do so.  I love hearing from all of you and love getting updates from you about things you have done in your area.  I have noticed that the past few weeks some of your emails have been delivered to my JUNK EMAIL box.  I don't always check my junk email so I wanted to let you know that if you email me during the week and you have not heard back from me by the end of the week...............I have most likely not seen your email.  I really do try to respond as quickly as possible to all of your emails and want to be able to continue to do so.  Please, please, please contact me again if you don't get a response from me.  I will try to look a little closer to the JUNK BOX on my side of the computer.  I apologize in advance if any of you have not heard back from me. 

Thanks for always putting GREAT BIG SMILES on my face by communicating with me.  You are truly my BLOG FRIENDS!!!

Lots of Love from the BEEHIVE!!!


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