Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Young Women's Camp 2010 - Camp Level Challenge

On the last day of camp we have started a tradition in our Stake of having a Camp Level Challenge to see how well our Young Women have learned the camp skills that were taught.  They come to the Camp Level Challenge fully prepared to take down the other Camp Levels.  The past two years our Level 4 Campers have shined!!!  They are challenged to do everything from first aid skills, to tying knots, to starting a fire.  They have no idea what they will be asked to do until they arrive!  This year we were also able to have a challenge on the obstacle course that is on the Church Property.  However, I do not have pictures of that because while our Camp Level Challenge was taking place we lost all of the power to the facility so I was taking care of some issues.  Good times, good times!  The Camp Director's and YCL'S obviously did a fantastic job because the Young Women were ready to compete!  Can't wait until next year's challenge!

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