Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Young Women's Camp 2010 - The American Flag

After our Camp Level Challenge, a few of the Young Women found an old American Flag on the property as they were walking back to the main camping area.  They had gone down a different path and weren't quite sure what they had found until we unrolled it.  It was in really bad shape, but this American Flag changed the lives of those who found it.  They were so proud of their discovery and we are already planning on helping the Scouts to burn it.  We would like to do a special devotional next year based on the American Flag.  Our thoughts were to collect used flags that need to be burned and have someone come and teach the Young Women the proper way to burn the flag when it's been torn up and used.  We also had discussion of inviting the Veterans in our Stake to participate that evening by sharing some of their stories with the girls.  We'll have to wait and see what falls into place.  I can't wait to see what these Young Ladies put together!  I know that they will never look at an American Flag the same way.  This was a big testimony builder for them!

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