I love this time of year when families gather together for Family Reunions and enjoy time together. Our family is already buzzing about our "HALES" Family Reunion next summer. Can't wait! I thought it might be a fun week to talk to the Primary Children about Family Reunions and to start preparing for our upcoming Primary Program. I'm going to use the song I HAVE A FAMILY TREE found on page 199 in the Children's Songbook to lead into an activity where we can also be practicing for the Program. I made a large tree out of felt and some leaves that have pictures of a Grandpa, Grandma, Uncles, Aunts, and Cousins. There are a few blank ones too. As the Primary Children sing the Family Tree song we'll put the leaves up on the Family Tree. Then, we can have REVERENT Primary Children come and pull the leaves off the tree to see what Primary Song we can practice on the back of the leaf. You'll notice that the tree has a smiley face. This can come off and become a frowny face if they aren't singing loudly. I think I'll mention that the Family Tree is a HAPPY TREE! Should be tons of fun!
Pictures that go on the FRONT of the LEAVES
TAGS By Leaves
If you would like a copy of the Family Tree Leaves and Song Ideas...please comment here or email me directly at jennifer.hawkins@hotmail.com. Don't forget to leave me your email address.
I'd love to have a copy of the tree! We're into the song reviews and I'm needing all of the ideas I can get to keep them from being bored with the 'same ole, same ole'!
Yes - please send file to arendjewhidden@gmail.com