Sunday, June 27, 2010

Young Women's Camp 2010 - Bagged Lunches

Every year we ask our YCL'S to bring a bagged lunch with them on DAY ONE of camp.  This helps our Camp Chef to have more time to get organized and to begin preparations for dinner that evening.  In our Stake the YCL'S and Camp Director's come a day earlier then the rest of our campers. 

If you would like the clip art that was used on the handout to remind the YW...please comment here or send me an email at  Please leave me your email address!


  1. yes... we do it too... and we add some things to the bag lunch... given out as a level meal when they arrive at camp...just to make sure they don't get sugar loaded on junk! usually cheese, cold meat and fruit...drinks of course! we usually leave very early in the by 10ish they are hungry! and lunch will not be served... so it works pretty well with the treat basket as well! would love to have your clip art! thanks!

  2. What a cute idea. We have a 3 hour drive to our campsite, and thought these would be cute to give out to the girls on the Sunday before to help them not forget to bring a lunch. I would love the clip art....Thanks so much

  3. oops, my email address is forgot the R
