Thursday, April 1, 2010

Beehive Messages - Preparing for Annual EASTER EGG BASH!

My children are WAY EXCITED for Sunday to roll around.  They are finally on Spring Break and ready to play.  Monday night for Family Home Evening...we decorated Easter Eggs for our annual FAMILY EASTER EGG BASH!!!  I posted this event under family traditions a few months ago so you'll have to pull it up and read about it.  All I have to say is that the Hawkins Family is going to take down the Lowe Family.  That would be my sister Amy's Family.  She is the only sister I have that lives near us.  I'm sure the Uncles and Grandpa will join in as well.  My children have a few surprises up their sleeves...let's just say they have named a few of their eggs.  We had so much fun preparing and I got a kick out of our son Stockton as he decided that he would try to eat a hardboiled egg for the very first time.  I think he liked them since he ate 3 or 4 of them.  Personally...they are not my favorite.  I'll be sure to post the Egg Bashing Results after Easter.  May the BEST EGG WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS...You're going DOWN Lowe Family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   

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