Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Primary Activity - Heartfelt Thanks

This past week my sister, Stacy, had the opportunity to help with their Ward's Primary Activity.  Here's a little information that she shared with me...

The Primary Children (the ones old enough to sit quietly) invited a school teacher to an evening of "Heartfelt Thanks." The Primary Presidency created cute invitations that were hand delivered to each of the teachers. I think most of the teachers came, which was great!

The cultural hall was decorated super cute. Several women in the ward decorated tables to go along with the theme. Once the teachers arrived at the church, each child had a picture taken with his or her school teacher. Then they were treated to an Italian Soda and a wonderful lasagna dinner. My favorite part of the night was when each child got to share why they liked their teacher. After, they handed their teacher a card (that was done before in sharing time) with the picture that was taken earlier and a heart shaped cookie. To close the night the children sang a few primary songs and had a wonderful dessert. It was really fun and hopefully they will do it again next year.


  1. I do enjoy your primary music ideas, but I'm not a music leader so I especially appreciate your posting general primary ideas as well. This looked like a cute activity.

    I was wondering in what part of the country this activity was held. I love the idea, but I wonder if teachers would come to a church activity here. Maybe they would, I don't know.

  2. I just across your blog today and I'm so blown away by all the time and effort that obviously went into this evening! What a wonderful way to thank the teachers! I'm so inspired to think more creatively for our next activity!
    Love that crayon ball!! :-)

  3. Love your blog!!! Thank you so much for sharing all of your ideas! I can't wait to get started!
