Monday, February 15, 2010

Young Women's New Beginnings - SOS

My sister, Amy, had a successful Young Women's New Beginnings just a few weeks ago. I thought I would share what they did with all of you.

Invitations for New Beginnings. The theme was SOS - be Strong and of good courage... weather storms with Optimism... & Set your goals high. Above you will see some clip art that they also used for handouts.

The SOS sign was used as a decoration. The SOS was made out of wood. Mini VALUE boats were strategically placed around the SOS.

With the permission of the Bishopric, they video taped each Young Woman and asked them the following questions -

How did you feel when you were baptized?
What are your 10 year goals?
What are your spiritual goals?

They took their video clips and added some Mormon Messages to create a fabulous DVD for them to watch when they need to make an important decision. This way they never loose track of their goals in life. They turned out AWESOME!!

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