Thursday, February 11, 2010

Young Women's Camp 2010 - Clermont Ward Camp Kick-Off

The Clermont Ward Camp Kick-Off was all about the CAKE! The Clermont Ward has been assigned Faith as their camp value and slippers as their camp shoe. Their leaders thought it would be fun to get a cake made out of a shoebox with a glass slipper in front of it. It was so darling...none of us wanted to eat it let alone cut it. By the end of the evening their Young Women's President had the honor of cutting the cake. It was just as tasty as it looked. There were a few other yummy treats as well. The Clermont Ward YCL's shared their camp assignments and listened to the camp theme song. The girls were all asked to bring their scriptures with them to share scriptures about Faith. They left the meeting with some fun slipper surprises provided by their Camp Director. I'm still not over the cake...time for some more!!

Okay...this is my Ward so I had to post a few more pictures.

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