Saturday, February 27, 2010

Primary Music Idea - 4th Sunday Music Share February 2010 Certificate

Posted above is the 4th Sunday Music Share Certificate for the month of February.  Present one to each child that participates.



  1. Oh darn, I didn't see this before today's 4th Sunday share. But, our 4th Sunday share turned out so beautiful, Jennifer. I know this is the right thing for our primary in our ward. The children are loving that they can choose songs to share and decide how they can share them.
    They each received a button for their lanyards. And they were so proud to earn them.
    Oh and the USA badges were such a hit today. Thank you so much for sharing that also. They sang their hearts out.

  2. I've been trying to have the kids do a musical number once a month, also. Would you mind emailing me a copy of the certificate? Wow, I am just loving your approach and we have similar taste!

    Melissa (again!)

    PS - Thank you for the Follow the Prophet Footsteps
