Friday, June 4, 2010

Young Women's Camp 2010 - Big Sis Little Sis

We all know what it is like to leave home for the first time and head to Girl's Camp.  The unknown can be a little scary.  This year our YCL'S will have the chance to take on the role of BIG SIS to one of our younger campers.  In order to decide who will be the BIG SIS to the LITTLE SIS...I've created fun PINK CARDS that say LITTLE SIS on them.  I'm going to place them into a bin and let the YCL'S at our last YCL meeting choose a name from the pile.  They will then take on the responsibility to make sure that that Young Woman gets welcomed to camp, feels special, and has a buddy that will be there for her whenever she needs a friend.  I've created a little YCL reminder as to what their responsibilities are and a simple All About Me Sheet that the YCL'S can fill out to give their LITTLE SIS when they meet for the first time at camp.  I know our YCL'S are very creative so I'll be sure to share more once this gets put into place for camp.

Some of you may want to use this as a way for your Young Women to get to know the Activity Day Girls. I could see you doing some fun things with this within your ward too.

If you would like the BIG SIS LITTLE SIS PDF file...please send me an email at or comment here with your email address.


  1. Yes please - I would love the Big Sis Little Sis pdf - thank you - also a copy of your t-shirt logo please - I appreciate it

  2. Hi Jennifer,

    I just logged on your site and saw Big Sister Little Sister handouts. We are implementing the same thing with our YCLs and I would love to use your handouts for this purpose. Also, today is our 21 days til camp and I would love to use your handout for the "21 Days til Camp" to help get our girls prepped spiritually for camp too, please

    Thank you so much for keeping me excited about my calling as camp director and thanks for your most shining example of inspiration and sacrifice for all of us serving in various church callings :) Love you sister!

    Luisa Jochim
    Provo 10th Ward

  3. I would love the big sis little sis file.
    Thank you
    Melissa Harris

  4. I'd love to do this with my YCL's as well! Thanks so much for sharing all your great ideas!

  5. Could you send me the file please?
    Jamie Thayne
    Saratoga Springs, Utah

  6. I would love the Big Sis Little Sis pdf as well, it's just what I've been looking for!
    Thank you!

  7. I would love the Big Sis , Little Sis pdf as well.
    It looks perfect!
    Thank you so much!
    Jennifer Frampton

  8. I'd like to use the About Me page in our YW journals. Do you have a digital download that can be printed in a 4x6 size? How much would that cost?


    Lola Christensen

  9. I would love to use your About Me page for our new girls coming into YW. You do amazing work and thank you from all of us who don't know how to use a computer well enough to do cute handouts.


  10. could you send me the pdf for about me page?
