Friday, April 9, 2010

Young Women's Camp 2010 - Pre-Camp Invitations 2010

Everyone loves a picnic so this year we are having a BARE FOOT PICNIC PRE-CAMP.  I will be sharing more in a few weeks about all the fun festivities we have planned for Pre-Camp this year, but I thought you might have fun seeing the invitations that the Young Women will be receiving this upcoming week.

Each Young Woman will receive a Paper Picnic Basket with a Cookie and the Invitation to the get together.  I made the picnic baskets by using a template that I found on  The basket is called A-Tisket, A-Tasket Picnic Basket and it costs $4.99 for the template.  I made little papers that say PICNIC on them to wrap the cookies so they look cute and placed the invitation inside.  Of course, you don't want to forget a little piece of red and white checked material for an added Picnic touch!  I took the mini invitation and enlarged it for posters that can be hung on the bulletin boards at the different chapels across the Stake.  It looks to me like the ANTS are about ready to invade the PICNIC...I better run!

I'm attaching a generic picnic invitation to this post.  If you would like a copy...please comment here or email me directly at  Be sure to add your email address to both so I can get the files to you quickly.