Friday, April 9, 2010

Primary Music Idea - The Church of Jesus Christ

Hi Music Leaders...

This is just a note to let you know that I posted on 1-30-10 how I will be teaching The Church of Jesus Christ song for this month.  I've had several of you asking me about how I might be teaching this song so today I decided to move it from the January date where I originally had posted it to today's date.  I'm hoping this will help! 
Feel free to email me or post a comment here with your email address and I'll send you the files for the pennants.  My email address is


1 comment:

  1. Jennifer- I'm having a real hard time finding it. I looked on the side and went to anything related to primary. I'm not sure how I'm missing it. Help! :) By the way- I love this blog- and am so grateful for you and your willingness to share your ideas!
