Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Primary Music Idea - Gold, Gold, Who's Got the Gold

A Primary Child is chosen to be the Leprechaun and hides his or her eyes as a gold coin is given to a child to hide in their lap or behind their back while singing one of the Primary songs you are working on. When the song is over the child that was chosen as the Leprechaun then has three chances to guess which child has the gold coin.  All the Primary Children can hide their hands in their laps or behind their backs like they have it.  Not only will this be fun, but the Primary Children will have the chance to practice being reverent.  You may choose to give the Primary Children that play the role of the Leprechaun a green beaded necklace or hand out at the end of church a GOLD CHOCOLATE COIN to each Primary Child.

You will need a supply of gold coins, green beaded necklaces, gold chocolate coins, and lots of cheer for this activity!  I picked up my supplies at the local Wal-Mart.


  1. I like this idea but I am trying to figure out how singing time fits into this. When do the kids sing?

  2. I love this idea! Perfect for what I was looking for today!
    Thank you!

  3. Eric and Angela: it says in the description when the singing happens. "while singing one of the Primary songs you are working on"

  4. Maybe you could play it like Hot and Cold....
