Friday, March 19, 2010

Primary Music Idea - The Atonement Singing & Sharing Time

Jesus Christ Is My Savior and Redeemer.

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life"(John 3:16)

A few weeks ago, I was asked to do a Primary Music Time & Sharing Time. I put together a Sharing Time on the Atonement. I started Sharing Time by having all of the Primary Children kneel down by their chairs. They were all given a SQUARE shaped piece of paper. I made sure that the paper was pre-cut and WHITE. I took some time to show the Primary Children how to make a CUP out of the paper. The Primary Children were then asked to sit back in their chairs. I asked the children why I had made them make a cup that day. The Primary Children gave several different answers and I told them that at the end of Primary they would know why. Next, I had found some scriptures that talk about the Atonement and a picture that coincided from the Gospel Art Book. As we read the scriptures if the Primary Children heard the word CUP they were to raise their CUP up into the air. This really helped them to be reverent and to focus on the lesson. After the scripture was shared we sang a Primary Song that went along with the message. At the very end I explained that each week when we come to church we have the chance to take the sacrament and this is a reminder of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I even poured some water into the cup to show them that their cups could hold water too. I hope that this simple lesson about the Atonement will be one they will never forget.

Scriptures Gospel Art Book Page Primary Song

1. Psalms 23:5 page 64 I Am a Child of God - page 2 CS

2. Matthew 26:39 page 56 He Sent His Son - page 34 CS

3. Mark 10:38 page 35 When Jesus Christ Was Baptized - page 102

4. 3 Nephi 11:11 page 84 I Know That My Savior Loves Me –

2010 Outline for Sharing Time

5. D&C 20:75 page 108 The Church of Jesus Christ - page 77

If you would like the PDF files...please comment here or email me at Be sure to include your email address. Thanks!


  1. I appreciate you taking the time to post your lessons. I would love a copy.

  2. I love that you share all these extras with us. Please send me a copy.

  3. May I please have a copy of your sharing time idea. Perfect!
