Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Primary Music Memo - February 2010 Week Four

This Primary Music Memo will encourage Primary children to review the Primary music we have been working on this month.  For FHE families can talk to their children about the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Because of Him...we can all be resurrected.


  1. I am so technical at times, Jennifer. Hee! I've got the awesome badges printed and cut out for Sunday. Thanks so so much. I KNOW this will go over well. But, I wanted to know how you were having teachers give out badges. Do you plan on giving each teacher a tape dispenser to tear off and put on badge as each child earns it or have them pretaped on back and placed on plastic plate or something? I was thinking I'd put tape on backs of medals ahead of time and plaster on plastic plates to give to teachers ready to tape on children.

  2. Hi Lynn...

    Hope you received my email response back.

    Have fun tomorrow!
