Friday, January 8, 2010

Primary Music Idea - Fun To Do Song Part 2

Hi Ladies...I have had several of you ask about the Fun To Do Cards that I showed on an earlier post. Here is the clip art brought to you by Julie F. Young, one of the Friend Magazine artists. I laminated these pictures and put magnet on the back of them. I usually use this song in the Nursery. When presenting it to them I use a cookie sheet and place the pictures on it as we sing the different sections of the song. Since I like to be down on their level this method works.

If you have a hard time opening these up...let me know! I'll send you a PDF file.


  1. Jennifer,
    You are so kind. I found some I liked just from the old Friend magazines and cut them out and laminated. But I hate to cut a Friend. So thanks for these cutesies!!

  2. Your site is so amazing!
    I would really appreciate it if you could email me the PDF file (FUN TO DO). I am having trouble printing them off.
    Thank you for sharing your talents...

  3. Jennifer -

    Will you please send me this file in PDF form - I can print these as pictures, but they're small, and I haven't taken the time to blow them up. I'm loving the site!

    You can e-mail them to linda(dot)r(dot)stahr(at)gmail(dot)com. Thanks!

  4. Hello! This is adorable. Could you please send me the PDF file to Thanks so much. i love this!

  5. Ladies...

    I am so sorry! It's now February 5th and I just noticed you have asked me to email you the PDF files for FUN TO DO. I will do that right now. Please be watching for your emails. Thanks for being patient with me. I greatly appreciate your friendship through Beehive Messages and can't wait to get to know you better.

    Have a super fun weekend!

  6. Could you send me the PDF file for this too? I really appreciate it.

  7. Thank you for sharing these. We have been using lots of handout sticks for the kids to hold while we sing a song, The process of handing out and collecting our props gets tricky sometimes. I am excited to have something a little different for them.
