Friday, January 1, 2010

Primary Birthday Seeds

A friend of Beehive Messages had a great idea. She thought it might be fun to do Birthday Seeds similar to the Primary Spotlight Seeds so we decided to offer that to all of you as well.


  1. I had this idea as well, so thank you very much for making it so much easier for me. Thanks for all you do!

  2. Hi Dana...

    Great Ladies think the same way, don't we? Please keep in touch with us and let us know how things are going in your Primary.

    Lots of Love,

  3. Awesome! Since our inactive kids don't normally come to be spotlighted we are giving these Birthday seeds to them as their Primary birthday gift.
    Can you add the folding lines to these too, or at least let me know how you did it, so I can make these quicker?
    Thank you, your site is awesome!

  4. Hi MRNMSA...

    Thanks for your post. I'd be happy to send you more about these via email. Could you email me with your email address at I'd be happy to help ya!!!

    Have a great weekend,
