My sister, Amy, is the YW President in the Minneola Ward here in Florida. The two of us are in the same Stake. She decided to surprise her Young Women with this FUN Hold to the Rod Challenge to use in their bedrooms as a way to remind them of the challenge her Presidency will be giving to the girls at their Ward Camp Kick Off. They will be challenging their Young Women to read the Book of Mormon from cover to cover prior to Young Women's Camp this summer.
The Rod includes the following:
1. A Virtuous Path Leading Back To Our Savior - Book of Mormon Challenge Chart.
2. A Bucket to hold their For Strength of Youth Pamphlet, a mini set of Scriptures, Personal Progress Booklet, Journal and a mini Hymn Book.
3. A Picture of Christ.
4. A Hold to the Rod Card with a description of the Challenge placed before them.
I can't wait to see the faces of the Young Women. I think these are darling!
Any ideas for New Beginnings 2010 you could share?
Where did you get the rod & bucket? I love this idea! Can you also post a link to the challenge tree? I would love to print these out!
Hi Brnda...
We'll be posting New Beginnings Ideas shortly. Hold ideas are coming!!!
Hope you have a great weekend!
Hi Goff Six Adventures...
My sister, Amy, found the rod and bucket at IKEA. If you don't have an IKEA near your home...I bet Target would have something similar.
I'm working with Amy to get a copy of the label and the Book of Mormon Chart. She sent them to me in a PDF file, but blogspot won't download PDF files. I'll try to get that up on the blog tomorrow.
Thanks for being a friend of Beehive Messages!
I have a song about the Iron Rod that I wrote for girls camp a few years ago, along with the information about what we did for girls camp. It would really compliment this. Here is the link for the music.
I love this idea. I think I'll do it with my kids, too!
I saw this the other day when we met with Amy and her presidency to spruce up our room. I seriously thouhgt about "borrowing" this, but decided that we'll try and come up with something too. Haven't thought of anything yet, but will keep trying. I do really love this idea!!
Hi Denise...
Thanks for the link. I'll have to check it out. I always love seeing what our friends out there are doing.
Happy 2010!
Hi Lori...
Amy mentioned she saw you. Hope you are having a great Friday!
Can't wait to see ya on Sunday!
por favor tem como me enviar uma cópia do Livro de Mórmon Gráfico Challenge, amei essa idéia!
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