I love when Primary Children get spotlighted throughout the year. My sister, Merrilee, has created a spotlight based off of this year's Primary theme. The children will take home the Spotlight Seeds paper and fill it out with their families. Then, after it is returned to the Primary Presidency...they will have the chance to be chosen. Once highlighted...the children will receive a Spotlight Seed Packet. The packet has the five points that the General Primary Presidency would like to be highlighted this year with the children. This was taken from the 2010 Primary Program message from the General Board. The children will take the Spotlight Seed Packet home with them and will then place their Spotlight Flower in the Primary Garden. Each flower will represent a child and will have their name on it.
Our intro to the 2010 Primary Year will be done during Sharing Time with the focus being on how our Faith is Planted Like a Seed and grows with Christ at the center of our Heavenly Father's Plan. Each pedal represents what we can do to grow closer to Christ with each point mentioned.
I love this idea. Thanks for sharing. How did you attach the seed packet label to the packet? Or, did you print the label directly onto the packet?
To make the seed packet, I printed two of the labels on a piece of brochure paper I found mine at Staples. Cardstock was too thick and regular copy paper was too flimsy. I then used a scoring blade to make nice folds all the way across the paper around the edges of the graphic. Then cut the paper in half and fold along the scored lines. Next, I used my corner rounder and punched the top and bottom edges of the packet so that it layed a little nicer. To seal the packet, I just used a hot glue gun on the side and bottom, stuffed it with a bag of jelly beans (or another idea is using Skittles since they have the "S" on them) and then sealed the top.
I hope that helps!
Thanks so much for creating and posting this great idea. We are definitely going to us it in our ward!
Hey Julie...
I've just posted the new seed packets that my sister, Merrilee, created. You can either create a label or you can simply print out the paper and fold on the lines to create your own seed packets. Enjoy!
Hi Trueman Twins...
We're glad you like them!!! You'll have to keep us posted on how it goes in your Ward. We love hearing from our friends on Beehive Messages.
I love this idea!!!
Hi Amy...thanks for your comment!
Happy New Year,
Does anyone know where I can get the vinal lettering that says "I know my savior lives" for the planter box. This is the greatest idea, we have been thinking of a new way to do the spotlight and this is perfect!!! Thank you!!!!
OK - how do I get the images saved to a file so I can take them to Kinkos to print them? Thanks
Thanks - I figured it out. I love this idea, it sounds like it is going to be a lot of fun for the kids.
Hi Ladies...
I've just finished ready your POSTS. Thanks for your questions.
Sophia...The lettering for the I Know That My Savior Lives was created using a CRICUT machine. The vinal was purchased at a craft store. Ours was purchased at Jo-Anns. We have also purchased vinal at Michaels. They sell it near the Cricut supplies. Let me know if you don't have a Cricut machine. You can also purchase pre cut vinal at those stores in the ABC's.
Sherri...glad you were able to figure out how to save the images. Please let me know if you have any more questions.
Keep in touch and let me know how things go on Sunday!
Great idea! Thanks for sharing. We are using this idea in our Primary. I'm excited to keep checking back and see what other ideas you have.
This is a great idea! I am a BRAND NEW Primary President with no counselors and no clue where to start. This is a great way to start my chapter of Primary. Thank you so much for your creativity - especially for someone like me who has the creativity of a brick - and your willingness to share these ideas with us! I have a lot of preparation work to do :)
Thank you for sharing this idea. We are going to use it in our Ward. We are kicking it off the 5th Sunday this month. I will be teaching a lesson about Faith being like a seed. So tell your sister "Thank you" for the wonderful ideas, and please keep them coming. (Your blog is saved under my favorites!) Rachael
You are very welcome! Thank you for becoming our FRIENDS. We love hearing from you and love to hear that you are having success in your Primary. We think you are all pretty amazing too!
Keep us posted on life in your area!!!
I just loved this idea, and we have used it this month. We have 125 children in our Primary, so I used it for Jr. and Sr. Primary and they loved it. I used jelly beans, but I am going to change to skittle, or m-n-m's to some children that have more than one sibbling in primary. Thanks for all your ideas, and keep em comming. Nancy
Hi Nancy...
Wow! You have a large Primary. I think our Primary is big with about 60 children...that's nothing compared to your Primary. I'm so happy to hear that this is going well. YUM...I love the idea of putting in some M&M's. They are my favorite! Please keep in touch...I get excited when I hear from all of you.
Have a nice weekend!
What a great idea! Thank you for sharing. I can't wait to get to Primary now.
Hi Shannon...
You are welcome!
Is there a way that I can download and print your spotlight sheet with the questions?? I love it for 2015!
I love this idea and wish I would have seen it 4 years ago I would have totally used it then as well. Anyway I am trying to Save the items but I get an error message and that the file might be corrupt. Am i doing something wrong? Help! Thanks for sharing your wonderful ideas!
I love this! Is there anyway you can email the files. I tried to save them and they are blurry when I print. Help! jenn.haws@yahoo.com
Jenn Haws
This is such a great idea, and we would love to use it in our primary!! Is it possible to get the files from you? I can't get it to print right!!
Thanks so much for sharing your ideas!!
Thanks - Carrie
Hi, been looking for something like this for years!
Please email the files to
can someone email the files to me as well? ashleyerickson143@comcast.net
Thank you so much! This is just what I was looking for!
Will someone please send me the file for the spotlight? It won't let me print it. My email is ashleyerickson143@comcast.net
I'd love the files as well! sunshine4315@aol.com
Thank you!!
This idea is so cute and we would LOVE to use it for our primary. Would it be possible to have you send me the files? I am having difficulty getting them to save or print. My email address is ash4m@live.com
I love this! Would you please send me the file for the spotlight sheet for the kids to fill out? It is so fun. Thank you!
Can you also send me the files? Thank you so much. It's such a wonderful idea!
Could I please get a copy of the spotlight also, I can't seem to get it, and I would like it for my Valiant Girls (ages 10 & 11) I was looking for something like this and found this, and it COULD not be more perfect, Thank you!
Did Anybody get a copy of the files? I put a request in, but didn't get a response and still would like it for tomorrow? If they did, could they send it to me at carrieson2@hotmail.com
Thanks so much,
I never got a response so I created my own. I used the same questions but it doesn't have the flower. If anyone would like the file I can send it to them.
I would love a copy of the spotlight for tomorrow Kimberkaj@yahoo.com. thanks! Ashley Mae I would love your if you see this? Thank you
Thanks for the great question ideas on the spotlight form!
Can I please get a copy of the file. Funfetti.designs@gmail.com. Thank you!!!
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