Saturday, November 14, 2009

Primary Music Idea - Tom the Thankful Singing Turkey

For the past two weeks I challenged our Primary Children to help earn feathers for a turkey that I would bring in this week to Primary. In order to earn a feather...they had to sing loudly, be reverent, and show other good Primary listening skills. The children did an amazing job! Our Nursery earned 58 feathers, Junior Primary earned 29 feathers, and Senior Primary earned 36 feathers. With a GRAND TOTAL of 123 feathers!!! I added all of their feathers to Tom the Thankful Singing Turkey. I can't wait to show the Primary children tomorrow. I decided to add some additional feathers that we could use during our Primary Music Time. On the back of these feathers are the names of songs that we will sing after one of the Primary children picks a feather from Tom. Should be a fun Sunday!!! Happy Singing!!!

1 comment:

  1. That's so cute. I love ideas that help the children get involved.
