Friday, October 16, 2009

Music is KOOL CLUB

I have noticed that there are several Primaries that struggle when it comes to teaching the Senior Primary Children how to SING. I decided one day that I would try to get the children more involved so I created a CLUB. Kids that age LOVE CLUBS. This is the first MUSIC CLUB I created and it worked wonders!!! The group of Senior Primary Children that participated in this program had many wonderful miracles take place within their homes and their personal lives.

Each child received their own personal CLUB CARD and every time they accomplished one of the tasks we marked the back of the card. At the end of completing the tasks...the children received a mini hymn book and a picture of Christ.


  1. Just wondering what your club password was? Hee!

  2. It´s a great idea!!! Greetings from Lima,Peru Habish Ward,Stake Palao

  3. What a great idea! I was called to be the primary chorister a few weeks ago, and so far so good...with all but the senior kids. I just don't seem to be able to get through to them, and I was just on my knees pleading with Heavenly Father to help me find an idea that would let me get through to the senior primary kids in my ward. I really feel that this idea will work well. Thanks so much!!!
