This year at Young Women's Camp our skits were based off of the Old Testament stories. The following instructions were placed in a time capsule with the story from the Old Testament that that ward would represent. At Pre-Camp each ward had the chance to pick their own time capsule randomly.
You are blessed to have the scriptures. As you read them, you will learn what the commandments are and how to keep them. You will be
reminded that you are a child of God and He loves you. He wants you to work, pray, and always walk in His way. If you follow His plan, you will be happy on earth and return to live with Him someday.
At this year’s Young Women’s Camp, your ward has been assigned to share a 5 to 8 minute skit on what life would have been like back in the day of _____. Please be sure to include all of the Young Women in this skit.
Your skit may include:
Sound Effects
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