Prior to camp have each Young Woman make their own CAMP JOURNAL JAR. Before camp begins the jar will be used to help collect funds to pay for camp. Once at camp the jar turns into a CAMP JOURNAL JAR. Present each Young Women with colored pieces of paper that have the following writing prompts. Let the writing begin!
My full name and how it was decided on...
My dreams are...
I am the one who...
First Year Camp Memories...
Yesterday I...…
I believe...
I can...
Sunshine makes me feel...
The most amazing thing I’ve ever seen...
If I could be doing anything right now, I’d be...
What if...
My shoe...
It would be funny if...
My favorite memories of camp are...
Everything I remember about this morning...
In 20 years I’d like to be...
I’m thankful for...
No one would believe...
I wish I was there when...
Things I would have never...
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